12 Tips on Choosing Outfits for Senior Portraits

12 Tips on Choosing Outfits for Senior Portraits

Planning what you will wear for you senior sessions can feel overwhelming at first and create a little anxiety.  As soon as you book your session start thinking of your outfit choices.  A big thing to keep in mind is that these photos should reflect you and your personality.  They should look like you and what you usually wear.  You don’t have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe for your session.  Start with your closet and look through what you already have.  Planning your outfits and looks ahead of time will help eliminate stress and create an enjoyable experience. Follow these basic styling tips below to guarantee beautiful and treasured senior portraits .


as part of your package at Shawn Spencer Photography you get 3 outfit choices.  I encourage you to choose 3 different choices based on style. The first outfit should be a casual style. The second outfit a more formal look. And the third outfit should be centered around your personality, such as a sport, hobby, college choice or interest.

2. Layers:

Try wearing layers for added texture and to switch things up during the session. Even though you get 3 outfit choices, if you add layers to those outfits then it is easy to create a variety of images in your session just by adding an element here or there or taking something off.  This is an easy way to “add” more outfits to your session.  Examples of these are sweaters, jackets, scarfs, shirts that button up in the front with a shirt underneath, etc. 

3. Watch Colors:

Make sure your clothing will not blend in with your background at your location. Is your location in a nature setting? Try to limit greens and browns in your clothing. Looking for a blue-sky tropical backdrop? Don’t pick all blues for your outfit but make it pop with contrasting colors. Is your background a red brick wall or textured wall?  Don’t wear red or pink. Try to avoid colors that will make you look washed out and that are unflattering with your skin tone.

4. Careful with the patterns and prints :

Try to limit prints and patterns as much as possible, the same goes for wording on your shirt. These elements can be quite distracting on the final picture. However, if there is a specific school spirit wear you want to incorporate that is fine.

5. Watch the unmentionables lol:

From bras to boxers, what you wear under your clothes can be just as important as the other parts of your outfit.  If you are going to be wearing a light-colored sundress, make sure you aren’t wearing a black bra and underwear.  The best rule of thumb is to wear nude colored under garments for your session to avoid any unnecessary embarrassment later.  Make sure when selecting your outfits that whatever bra you pick, you will not have to keep worrying about the straps showing.  If that means you wear a strapless bra then that is best.  For guys make sure that your boxers are not going to show above your pants or through your pants. 

6.  Think about movement :

You want to make sure that your outfit is going to work if you are standing, sitting, kneeling, or laying.  We want to make sure you get a variety of poses to choose from in your session.  Therefore, it is important you choose outfits that will give you that flexibility of getting into a lot of different poses.  You don’t want to wear clothes that might restrict your movement or posing.  For example, if you wear a short tight skirt, you will not be able to do any poses other than standing. Avoid skintight clothing, clothing that is too short, too lowcut or revealing.   

7. Don’t’ forget the extras :

Add necklaces, scarves, hats, jewelry, sports gear, shoes and/or any other objects that can to personalize your outfits for your session. If you are into sports and are bringing your sports gear, make sure you bring it all.  If you are into dance do the same thing.  Bring everything! 


Shoes can show up in some of your favorite poses. Make sure to not only have the appropriate footwear per outfit, but also make sure that shoes are clean, presentable, and comfortable. We will be walking around during your session.  Girls if you decide to wear spiked heels you will not be comfortable, and it will make it hard to go from place to place in a timely way.  Guys make sure your shoes are broken in so you don’t end up walking around in new shoes that might cause some discomfort and cause blisters.

9. Press your outfits:

PLEASE make sure your outfits are pressed.  Nothing can kill a good image like a very wrinkly outfit.  Take time to press everything the night before and use hangers instead of folding.  This includes t-shirts as well.  You want everything to be nice and crisp!

10. Apply Makeup Normally:

You want your portraits to highlight your natural beauty. Avoid the temptation of going too glam and not looking like yourself.

11.Wearing Glasses:

If you wear glasses everyday then you should wear them in your portraits.  We want your images to look like you.  However, two things that can drive a photographer crazy is dealing with glasses glare and transition lenses.  There is a solution to it if you are able.  If you do not have a non-glare coating on your lenses, consider removing your lenses from the frame for the photo session. As far as transition lenses you can’t remove them.  An option is to keep them in your pocket until the last minute to help avoid them transitioning. 

12. Relax and Have Fun!

These photos represent a special time in your life and the experience of taking them should be just as awesome as the finished product. Plus, when you are happy and enjoying yourself it will shine through in the photos.

Shawn Spencer

I’m a Portrait Photographer Servicing Elk Grove California and the greater Sacramento area.


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