Spring Senior Guy Portraits - Max Clements
Senior Photos at Cosumnes River Preserve in Elk Grove, Ca.
This young gentleman is not only a Bradshaw Student, but he was also one of my 4th grade students when I taught a semester of 4th grade there. It is so wild to have another one of my students as a senior. Max is so awesome. Max is a Boy Scout and actually just qualified for his Eagle Scout in December. He does Swimming and Band where he plays the clarinet. We incorporated both Eagle Scout and his clarinet into his session. We did his session out at Cosumnes River Preserve and he was such a trooper, even with all the mosquitos and other bugs. He will graduate from Bradshaw Christian High School at the end of May. Max is waiting to hear from the Coast Guard academy as a possible choice for the fall. However, if that doesn’t work out he want to attend Cosumnes River College and eventually transfer to a 4 year university where he wants to study chemistry. Congratulations Max! I wish you all the best in your future!
To see other senior sessions see below: