What Actually Happens During a Newborn Session?

what actually happens during a newborn photo session

Whether you’re thinking about booking a newborn session or already have a date on the books, I’m sure you’re a bit curious about what, exactly, goes on during a newborn session. How do you get those peaceful looking images? How involved are the parents for the shoot itself? Is it actually possible to “pose” an infant? Below I’m answering some of those questions and discussing what happens at a newborn session.

 Information About Newborn Sessions:

Session Time

One thing parents are shocked at is the amount of time for a newborn session.  I center my newborn sessions around baby.  That means allowing time for diaper changes, feedings, calming fussy babies, and working with siblings who are not being cooperative.  Not to mention, it takes time to wrap baby or put them in those cute outfits and get them posed.  I don’t want to rush and startle baby so everything I do is at a pace that keeps baby calm and allows me to pose them into those cute poses.  On average a newborn session will last anywhere from 2 to 4 hours.  If we are lucky and baby is zonked out the entire time, it can be even shorter.  We follow baby’s lead.  Trust me your will look at the images and be glad we took our time.

The Heat is Turned Up

This sounds bizarre, but it’s very important that the temperature is much higher during a newborn than what you’d normally have it. Babies for the first year to year and a half cannot regulate their own body temperature. So, while we may be hot, they are cold.  When they are cold, they are not likely to be comfortable and fall into that deep sleep. The warm environment lends itself to helping the baby feel warm, comfortable, and — most importantly, sleepy.  

Relaxing Environment

Babies can be easily startled and fussy especially in loud environments.  It is important to keep things calm and quiet and not rushed. Speaking in soft hushed tones keep things calm for baby and can help lull them into a comfortable sleep.  It’s essential that parents remain calm as well because babies can sense anxiety and will take their que from mom and dad.  So, relax, I’ve got this.  I use a white noise machine or baby shusher to soothe the baby.  I will also have essential oils diffusing to further create a calm and carefree environment.

I’ll Take Care of All the Poses

You don’t have to come up with poses or image ideas. I’ve got all that covered and know exactly how to set up an image to get great shots.  You will be asked in the beginning to help decide on some colors of wraps and blankets and cute outfits.  From there I’ll take care of all the prop setup and wrapping. Typically, I will swaddle the baby in a wrap after you arrive to make them feel secure and warm and to help them drift off into that nice deep sleep. From there, I will put them in a variety of poses using a beanbag and different props. 

Mom & Dad May Help Spot Baby

Though I do most of the work, sometimes I will need parents’ help during our shoots to help position baby and work with me to help create images.  However, when I am able, I like to hire an assistant to help me with my newborn sessions so that mom and dad can sit and watch and take it all in.

infographic of what happens at a newborn portrait session

Safety is Always My First Priority

No matter what, I place your child’s safety above all else. If we need to take a break, we will. If a pose isn’t working, there’s always another one to try. If baby is gassy, I will stop and we will help work that out of her/his system.  There are some poses you may have seen other photographers do.  Depending on what that is, I may not do it.  If I feel I can not safely put the baby into a pose or prop then ultimately I do what is safest for the baby.  Again, there is always a ton of other poses we can do to capture baby. 

I Have Tricks for Helping Baby Calm Down

I’ve done quite a few newborn sessions, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve to help calm fussy babies. However, in the case of a baby who is very upset, I’m more than happy to reschedule.

Sibling Photos Are Done Last

I know that having your kids at the shoot for the entire session may be a bit much for them. For that reason, I suggest having sibling poses done at the end of the session where someone like a grandparent or dad can bring them in a little later, that way they don’t have to stay throughout.  This of course doesn’t always work, especially if you have no one else to bring the sibling later.  In that case, please bring some fun activities for the siblings to do while I’m working with baby. 

I hope this helps give insights into what happens at a typical newborn session.  If you are thinking of booking a newborn session, please reach out to me, I would love to send you my Newborn Portrait Guide which has all sorts of great information about the process, including pricing, etc.

Shawn Spencer

I’m a Portrait Photographer Servicing Elk Grove California and the greater Sacramento area.


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